Sunday, September 28, 2008

so many books, mr. frog. and only two arms to carry them home.

freduardo - before he hopped away - isla vista, ca

tomorrow marks my induction into the workforce.  whooo!  this weekend was pretty life-changing if i do say so myself.  went out friday night only to see so many people who i've been meeting to meet up with.  north star bar really is a prime place to connect and reconnect and plan future connections.  saturday i hopped up to nahmyo's new nob hill apartment--so her.  and we then braved it up a treacherous ladder to reach a rooftop with a million views--the perfect place for a chat-chat-chat-catch-up sesh.  

today was the last day of the big book sale at fort mason center.  AMAZING. imagine a warehouse full of books--completely overwhelming, but it a totally positive way (all for under a dollar, mind you).  long story short, nahmyo found split pea soup and sea serpents, without a doubt the worst children's book ever written--but brilliant in its awkward absurdity.  and i found a couple poetry books that are going to escort me to work every morning.  all in all, the day was grand.  

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