Tuesday, December 30, 2008

safety tips from a seasoned source.

bamboo in line - my yard - napa, ca

many of you have heard that i was involved in an accident early saturday morning.  i was the sole passenger in a taxi, not wearing a seatbelt, and a drunk driver collided with our car head on.  in a matter i seconds, i'd badly chipped my front teeth (we're talking seventy-five percent gone), bit through my lip, and slammed into the side of the car, leaving one hell of a bruise and a sore noggin behind.  i'm so lucky to be alright--though the retoothing process is far from over--so i'm encouraging all of  you to buckle up on your cab rides. and of course, don't drink and drive.  it's selfish and fucking stupid.  keep your teeth.  keep your life.  and let's keep on keeping on in 2009. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


rainboots - my yard - napa, ca

i made a run to vallejo's value center today to see if i could find a last-minute, kick-ass present for a couple pals. there really wasn't anything life-changing to be found. but i did come across a most ludacris thing: a camel colored cashmere coat priced at $700.00. wtf?! actually, i've noticed that about the vc. the overwhelming majority of items are fairly priced--often underpriced--but sometimes i'm utterly shocked. i bet there's an employee who adds a couple extra zeros to keep me--the bargain-hunting consumer--guessing.

merry christmas eve!

Monday, December 22, 2008

bloob bloob bloob bloob.

persimmons - my yard - napa, ca

the rain is here, and i love it.  everything looks better and fresher when covered in little wiggly droplets.

bright with christmas delight.

twinkly lights - the floor of my room - sf, ca

it's the monday before christmas, and all throughout the room. not an object is stirring, not even my broom.  the lights are all tangled, my closet's a mess. everything in disarray, that i can attest.  but it really doesn't matter.  oh i honestly don't care. because even a mess is joyous and merry, when holiday spirit is in the air!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

strut to the sounds and wait with the waves.

so so clear - my city - sf, ca

i once fancied myself an anti-ipod-bubble person.  but i've become a walk-to-and-fro-to-a-tune tottie as of late.  the moment i step onto the landing of my staircase the music starts.  and it doesn't cease until i cross the threshold of neiman marcus.  it really makes life quite simple.  i can't hear the chatter of passersby.  strangers seeking directions look elsewhere for a point toward union square.  the strange man sitting across from me doesn't bother to ask the time or where i'm headed.  then again, where's the fun in that routine? walk walk. half a song. flip through overplayed august 08 playlist (that actually contains december songs). walk walk listen walk listen walk.  but today when my pod died, i was reunited with the merriment of this city's buzz.   

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

when you angle it just so the magic happens.

close to dark - the presidio - sf, ca

as much as i love my little digi, i'm starting to have qualms with the digitilization (i made up the word just now) of photo taking.  seriously, i'm so sick of viewing album after album of girls standing in a row, their right-angled arms propped on their hips.  there's no spontaneity, no life in those pictures.  and what's the point of having eighty versions of you and your three sexy girlfriends all looking perfect?  borrrring.  there are just so many more interesting subjects to focus on.  so many different perspectives to capture a moment from.  so work on it people.  and get back to me when you do.

p.s. ms. laura hyatt is my first official blog follower.  i don't know how she did it, but i encourage everyone to do the same.  thanks laur!

Monday, December 15, 2008

of course you spend your winters in the french alps.

the euser christmas tree - napa, ca

i went to a seriously swanky christmas party last night.  a group of guys rented out a restaurant--i'm blanking on the name--in the soma.  four-hundred people.  many of them live versions of chuck bass himself, scarf and all.  and as my friend rachel so perfectly put it, the crowd was the creme de la creme of douche bags.  nonetheless, the people watching opportunities were endless.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

the perfect shade.

algae wallpaper - near marin headlands, ca

i ran into an issue with a missing camera cord, but i'm back with so much to share.  getting super excited for christmas, my utmost favorite holiday.  amy grant on repeat.  a little john denver and the muppets.  and a wee little christmas tree to sparkle in the window.  one thing i still have to conquer though is the annual euser christmas letter.  i've written it since eighth grade.  the pressure is pressing.