a different approach - earth day circa 2007 - isla vista, ca
i'm still on my ariel levy kick, so forgive me if my reading recommendations are a bit same-page this week. but really, the woman can do no wrong as far as i'm concerned. i not only think that she is a seriously skilled and readable writer, but her subjects are just as compelling. in may of 2004, she wrote
this great piece about stanley bosworth, the creator and head master at saint ann's school in new york--brooklyn if i'm not mistaken. anyway, read it. i was totally entertained with bosworth's banter and levy's weaving of the man's many-layered personality.
the article got me thinking about living and learning and pursuing things in an off-kilter manner. but i realized, when reading bosworth's quotes, that truly remarkable thinkers don't even consider their thought process. and the idea of consciously attempting to be less conscious and more free-to-fuck-the-world completely contradicts the point altogether.
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