my view - dmb concert - the greek theatre - berkeley, ca
dave matthews, his band, and i were finally reunited after a two-year drought. while waiting in line i met a woman named kris who gives forty a killer name. not only did she offer margaritas and crackers, but she showed me the best booze-sneaking trick to date. rather than shove water bottles down her shirt, kris filled plastic freezer bags with the margaritas and placed them in cracker boxes. cracker boxes!! genius! once we finally got in the greek, it was a rush to the pit. we situated ourselves twenty feet from the stage. amazing. and the situation was bettered even further by fabulous company around me. my favorite neighbor being jeff--a college student from wisconsin backpacking the country. he had the most incredible positive energy. within ten minutes we were chatting and nodding and otherwise stoked on the night. loved him.
the concert itself was incredible. i will say that seeing dave without my sister can never be the best, but it was pretty fantastic. at one point, i looked up to the dusky sky and shook my head, absolutely humbled by how damn lucky i am.
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