cranes, big ones - from the ferry - vallejo, ca
five things:
1. when i pass a person with an ipod, i want to know what they're listening to.
2. it pisses me off that all san francisco parking signs contain a grammatical error: no parking from 2am-6am everyday. every space day, people. every. space. day. i've been told that i need to relax about it. i think the city should consider hiring a copyeditor. hell, hire me.
3. i'm going to start asking people to guess my name. i feel like the answers would be interesting. and for the record, i tell creepy guys that my name is holly. i've never been questioned.
4. when walking through the stockton tunnel on my way home from work, i choose a person far ahead of me to secretly race to the end. i normally win. i have considerable stride advantage.
5. yesterday while at trader joe's i overheard a man and a woman discussing how unripe the avocados were. terribly so. he then said to his curly-haired companion, we'll just put them in a brown paper bag with an apple. magic! i totally need to eavesdrop more often.